Student Guidance
Posted by Admin | May 26, 2015
The Final Project is a term in the PENS instead of working on thesis. Final Project for the students of D3 program to produce prototype, paper, and books. While for the D4 program to produce prototype, paper, and a book that is comparable to a thesis. Concerning the procedures for the study of each student in the D3 and D4 programs are set by each lecturer on a duty that was appointed by the dean.

D4 Students
Posted by Admin | May 26, 2015
- Metha Puspa Imansari (D4TB) > Development of Android Base Real-Time Location Monitoring System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
- Yuniar Riska Widayanti Putri (D4TB) > Development of Android Base Real-Time Telemetry Monitoring System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
- Dicky Abdillah (D4TB) > Development of Real-Time Monitoring Control Station for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
- Widya Andi Palupi (D4LJ) > Development of Android Base Decryption System for Industrial Machinery Data (co-supervisor Henggar Budiman).
- Risky Ageng Kharisma (D4LJ) > Development of Android Base Encryption System for Industrial Machinery Data (co-supervisor Henggar Budiman).
- Melinda Novitasari (D4LJ) > Development of Android Base QR-Code Encryption System for E-Health using IDEA (co-supervisor Reni Soelistijorini).
D3 Students
Posted by Admin | May 26, 2015
- Tri Chandra Poetra Ibrahim (D3TB) > Implementation of Raspberry PI Based Docking System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
- Dwi Wahyu Purtanti (D3TB) > Implementation of Raspberry PI Based Driver System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
- Setyawan Dwi Apriyanto (D3TB) > Implementation of Vectored Thruster Development System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
- Muhammad Iqbal Attonthowy (D3TB) > Implementation of Arduino Based Balancing System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
Selected Publications
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